Pain, restriction of movement are all characteristic manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. But the peculiarity of this pathology also lies in the fact that the internal organs are affected at the level of the chest and below, so no one except the doctor can understand what is going on. Osteochondrosis appears as a result of a degenerative-dystrophic process in which the discs, joints, ligaments and roots of the spine are affected.
Symptoms of the disease may appear at an early stage. But spinal diseases can be affected, the main thing is to know the cause and the law according to which it develops. Doctors are more or less clear about the reasons, but the mechanism of development remains in some ways in the "shadow".
Causes and progression of the disease
Any part of the spine is always under load, static and dynamic. Constant stress leads to the fact that the integrity of the intervertebral disc is violated. It was damaged, the internal components began to bulge outwards.
The disc is preserved, like other cartilage, in a special way: when pressed, it releases fluid from itself, and when pressure is released, like a sponge, it absorbs all the nutrients. This mechanism does not work during prolonged static posture or during exercise, when constant pressure is applied to the disc. Daily morning exercise has a positive effect on nutrition.
Degeneration stage
To better understand the symptoms, you need to understand the extent to which the intervertebral disc goes through and what happens to it. Like, however, all over the spine.
In the first stage, there is no pain, and the attack is not noticeable in any way, but the process has begun, the inside is already moving freely.
In the second stage, the attack of pain is already fully felt, radicular symptoms merge, a person is actively using the ointment, but the cause is not resolved. The disc gradually protrudes and begins to squeeze the spinal cord. In the third stage, the attack of pain, which mainly indicates osteochondrosis in the thoracic region, becomes brighter and more intense, the ointment does not help. The disc gradually bulges out, its protrusion occurs.
The last stage leads to the appearance of signs of damage outside the disk components. The clinical picture is characterized by compression of the roots, blood vessels and the spinal cord itself. As a result, attacks of pain with great intensity develop.
The body tries its best to reduce pain, as a result, characteristic growths, osteophytes, appear in the spine. The spinal cord is compressed due to narrowing of the intervertebral foramen. Stress leads to the fact that all internal organs are affected. Their treatment did not bring any results, which sometimes confuses doctors.
Symptoms of the disease
Often, the cause of the defeat of this particular part of the spine lies in an inactive lifestyle, by explaining this condition, the diagnosis is greatly simplified. Usually, stress is applied if a person sits at a computer or in a chair for a long time. The pain was mostly dull, then it became sore and burning. It is localized in the middle, between the shoulder blades, some compression in the chest area of concern.
If you try to feel the spinous and transverse process areas of the spine, the pain will increase significantly.
Diagnosis is facilitated by paravertebral muscle tension. The symptoms get stronger if you ask the patient to take a deep breath, making turns with the body.
Some patients report pain in the scapula or lower thoracic spine. This is called posterior costal syndrome and occurs as a result of displacement of the lower ribs. The pain may suddenly disappear, but may become stronger during the turn.
The symptoms are indicated by pelvic pain along the intercostal space, this is where the nerve passes. Sensitivity is affected in areas where nerve branches are damaged. Worried about paresthesia, deep and shallow sensitivity is reduced. Symptoms are accompanied by a violation of the function of the abdominal press, reduced knee and heel reflexes.
Damage to internal organs
In parallel with the pain, there is a violation of the function of internal organs. In the area of the thoracic spinal cord there is a center responsible for the work of the heart, pulmonary system, liver, intestines and kidneys, pancreas. Difficulty breathing, pain and disturbances in the work of the heart, resembling angina pectoris, can be disruptive. The mammary glands can be painful, or all localized in the right or left hypochondrium area, resembling an attack of cholecystitis or pancreatitis.
Sore throat or esophagus. The symptoms are located in the area of the left hypochondrium or stomach, resembling the symptoms of gastritis or inflammation of the intestine (colitis, enteritis). Violations can be from the kidneys and reproductive system.
Establishing a correct diagnosis based on symptoms alone can be difficult. That is why diagnosis involves the production of x-rays. On it characteristic changes can be seen, which indicate osteochondrosis of the thoracic region in the form of decreased disc height, sclerosis of the end plate and the formation of osteophytes.
In addition, a CT scan is performed if the x-ray does not give results. The study is equipped with MRI, it shows soft tissue, so the diagnosis of disc herniation is established.
Differential diagnosis requires special attention, it is carried out not only on the basis of complaints and clinical manifestations. So, pain in the heart area is not affected by medications used for angina pectoris. Pain in the epigastric region is not affected by food intake and there are no seasonal manifestations of symptoms. Everything appears in the evening and disappears completely after a night’s sleep.
Treatment involves taking all kinds of medications, these are pills and injections. They start with drugs that relieve the inflammatory process, traditionally nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for this. Relieving pain and inflammation, they help relax muscles. Only a doctor should prescribe it, otherwise there is a high risk of complications, and there are contraindications to its use. Tablets are taken, according to recommendations, often after meals, but doctors can also prescribe injections. Locally, this group of drugs is used in the form of ointments, which are applied about three times throughout the day.
Analgesics can add to the group of drugs described above, with severe pain, injections are prescribed by a doctor, if all is not so bad, tablets are also suitable. With pain of great intensity, blockade with medication can be done directly to the focus of pain, it allows you to quickly remove the attack. Special anesthetic ointments can also add to the treatment.
Chondroprotectors allow you to restore the structure of cartilage, but you have to take drugs in this group for a long time. The doctor prescribes, at his discretion, injections or pills taken in the course. Recently, preparations of this group are presented in the form of ointments, which are applied externally.
Add full treatment with antispasmodic group drugs. The action is intended to relax the muscles that are pinched by arteries and nerves. The pressure is reduced, the patient's condition is simplified.
Ointments are used actively, they act locally, helping to relieve pain attacks. The ointment is applied to the painful area, where it warms the skin. Also, the ointment is indicated to be used along nerves, so it can relieve pain attacks more effectively. Additionally, in addition to the ointment, the treatment is capable of mustard plaster
Hormone -based medications are also used, especially injections. They are prescribed as a last resort, when necessary to relieve severe pain attacks. Paraverbal blockade of the affected area of the nerve or root is often used, drugs are used based on hormones.
Completing all preparations based on vitamins, injections are made into the muscle. Medications can be represented by bioactive supplements, tablets that improve cartilage nutrition and relieve stress.
All types of techniques are actively used to help calm even strong attacks. With the procedure, you can use medications that act as a kind of restriction. The list of procedures can be represented as follows:
- Shock wave therapy. Due to the shock wave, it restores nutrition and blood supply to the spine, eliminates pain attacks, and allows you to get rid of inflammation.
- Ultraviolet irradiation. Promotes better calcium absorption.
- vibration therapy. Exposure to high frequency sounds increases blood flow, relieves stress and pain.
- Magnetotherapy. Exposure to magnetic fields enhances important cellular processes, accelerating regrowth. Darsonval acted similarly.
- Electrophoresis. The effect of the current, which contributes to the fact that the drugs penetrate deeper into the tissue.
- Diodynamics. The effect of variable frequency currents effectively reduces pain.
- Swim. Allows muscles to relax. It is recommended to swim only in the pool with warm water.
- Balneotherapy. Use for mineral water and mud treatment. Minerals contribute to the healing process, the pressure on the roots is reduced.
- Acupuncture. It gives the effect of a thin needle on the active point of the body.
- Manual or sequence therapy. You can also use an ointment that helps relax muscles and release blood vessels and nerves.
The method is chosen strictly individually by the doctor. The main thing is not to start the disease.